The Benefit of Sleep Headphones

The Benefit of Sleep Headphones

When CozyPhones launched in 2015, its first product was sleep headphones. Founder and Owner Paul Miller was having issues sleeping at night. He would fall asleep just fine but would often wake up in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep. 

He decided to purchase a pair of sleep headphones so he could listen to podcasts or audio books until he would drift back to sleep. They lasted less than a year before the wires shorted out and stopped working.  

"I used earbuds for a short time but they became painful after awhile and it's just about impossible to sleep with them on your side," Miller said. "I decided to try another pair of headband headphones, but the original ones I bought were just too expensive. So I decided to make my own."

With comfort and affordability as the main goal, CozyPhones was born and has since become a top seller in the United States. New styles and materials have been added to the lineup, in order to fit more needs.

According to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult sleeps less than seven hours per night. In today’s fast-paced society, six or seven hours of sleep may sound pretty good. In reality, though, it’s a recipe for chronic sleep deprivation.

While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. In order to achieve this, some people depend on podcasts or audio books, including white noise or music.

Jade Chandler-Haag has relied on sleep headphones for more than 20 years. She uses them to listen to white noise or self-improvement hypnosis.

"Traditional headphones are inconvenient since they are very uncomfortable," Chandler-Haag said. She suffers from recurring ear problems so can not handle the feel of ear buds either. "CozyPhones are great to sleep in. They are comfortable, regardless of sleeping position, and they do not hurt my ears."

Rebecca Rose said she listens to music when falling asleep. But finding a pair of headphones that were comfortable became a challenge. 

"Headphones are uncomfortable to sleep with or lie down with and hurt my head," Rose said, adding that earbuds were just as bad. "CozyPhones are much more comfortable on my ears and head.

"It doesn't even feel like I'm wearing a pair of headphones. I am lulled to sleep every night I wear CozyPhones, not just because I'm able to comfortably listen to music while I sleep but also because of how comfortable and soothing it feels to wear a nice soft headband over my head each night."

Gemma Mills said she's a fan of the sleep headphones, too, and uses them to listen to Podcasts almost every night. No solution was perfect though. Earbuds fell out easily and it was hard to find a comfortable sleeping position in bed with bulky headphones on.

"CozyPhones are brilliant," Mills said. "They offer me a comfortable experience, with no slippage or soreness. I also believe these are far safer for night time use."

Mills said she enjoys that CozyPhones are stretchy enough to accommodate any head shape. The speakers are fully adjustable and offer great sound, too. 

"I was after something like this for a long time," she said. "I suspect a number of my fellow PC addicts will get equally as excited about them."

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